ALASKA DISPATCH- - October 31, 2010 How Gov. Parnell squandered development of Alaska's natural gas The race that will have the greatest impact on Alaskans is not the much ballyhooed Senate race, where the winner will be one of 100 legislators, but the governor's race.
With the trans-Alaska oil pipeline (TAPS) now running 70 percent empty, the need for Alaska to have an additional source of revenue to prevent economic collapse is critically important. Why? Alaska is 90 percent reliant on revenue from an oil pipeline that is now 70 percent empty. The U.S. Department of Energy projects that TAPS throughput will decline to less than 500,000 barrels per day within five years.
ALASKA DISPATCH - October 30, 2010
Andrew Halcro's Blog- - October 29, 2010 Ethan Berkowitz for Governor The choice is clear; a governor who has fire in his eyes or one that has exhibited the backbone of a jellyfish. A governor who is willing to stand and take the heat, or one who has been hiding behind Sarah Palin's skirt for the last four years.
Ethan Berkowitz has earned my vote. Sean Parnell has not.
I'm sorry, I cannot close my eyes and vote for Parnell simply because I am a Republican. I'd rather have a Democrat who moves right than a Republican who moves backwards any day.
Thoughts on Alaska Oil & Gas
Brad Keithley's Blog - October 28, 2010 Alaska's economic future:
Berkowitz gets it, Parnell doesn't To someone who has been active in the oil industry for 30-plus years and has been involved firsthand throughout that time in numerous investment decisions by major and independent oil companies, the answer clearly is Ethan Berkowitz.
EVENTS November 1 & 2, 2010 Sign Waving Sign waving Monday and Tuesday 6:30 to 9:00 am and 3:30 to 7:00 pm.
We are meeting in the Sears Mall parking lot.
November 2, 2010 Election Night Party Election night party is going to be at the Snow City Cafe starting at 7:30 pm.