
Commercial Fisheries
Doing It Better – Getting it Right
When we do it right, Alaska will have more fishermen working the decks of their own boats, processing catch here in Alaska, and selling high quality, value added product to hungry consumers across the world. To get there, we need better information about our fish stocks and better control over our fish — because knowing our fisheries and controlling our resources means controlling our future.
As a deckhand in Bristol Bay, I learned to see each boat as a small family business and fishing as a way of life that can be passed from generation to generation. That means Alaskans should be free to fish without worrying about the government privatizing public resources, “rationalizing” boats out of the water, or surrendering Alaska’s fish to Outside interests. It means linking access privileges and vessel owners, reforging owner relations with processors and crew, so more Alaskans have the opportunity to prosper from the bounty of our fisheries. It means appointments to the Board of Fish, the North Pacific Fishery Management Council and as Commissioner of Fish and Game who share my vision for a sustainable fishery economy where harvesters, processors, waterfronts and communities thrive.
Ensure Sustainable Fisheries
- Protect fish stocks and habitat. Understand and mitigate the impact of climate change, including acidification, and guard against risky development and preventable by-catch. Commitment to research, “No” to Pebble Mine, “Yes” to Better Gear and Better Practices.
- Minimize the downside of pulse fisheries, extend the processing season when feasible and responsible, and enable a longer fishing year.
- Manage fisheries based on principles of sound science, sustained yield and maximum benefit. Better coordination between different gear types.
Promote Free Market Competition
- The market, not the government, should determine who gets to fish and where they sell their catch. The federal government doesn’t know what’s best for Alaska – catch shares are not for every fishery.
- Leave allocation decisions to fisheries boards, not politicians. A crew voice at NPFMC and BoF. A place for subsistence at the decision table.
- Promote wild Alaskan seafood through the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute.
Protect Fishing Families and Coastal Communities
- Low-cost energy and high speed broadband. Infrastructure to bring down costs and increase opportunities.
- Affordable health care for Alaska’s fishing families.
- Loans and training for the fishermen of today and tomorrow.