Rural Alaska

Rural Alaska is one of Ethan Berkowitz and Diane Benson's top priorities. Together, they will fight to lower the high cost of energy in Bush communities, protect rural culture and traditions and rights to hunt, fish and gather, work to create jobs and improve our economy and more. In Juneau, Ethan and Diane will fight hard to secure the well being of rural Alaskans.
As Governor and Lt. Governor, Ethan and Diane will:
• Protect subsistence hunting, fishing & gathering
• Develop rural renewable energy and green jobs to lower heating fuel costs
• Improve Alaska's rural education & health care systems
• Improve & build infrastructure for rural running water, sewage systems and waste management
• Expand rural sustainable economic development
• Work with villages to develop a strategy for climate change, especially those facing relocation
• Improve veteran outreach to rural Alaska, and take care of our National Guard members |